Radon is a radioactive gas that forms from the breakdown of uranium in the soil. Once formed, it rises from the soil to dissipate into the air. Generally the outdoor air level for radon gas ranges from 0.4pCi/L to 0.7pCi/L which is generally considered safe. The issue with radon gas comes when radon has nowhere to dissipate. When a structure blocks it’s path up from the soil, radon will find a way inside to continue rising.
Radon Testing In Schools
High levels of radon gas have been detected in schools and other larger structures throughout the entire US. The Environmental Protection Agency did a study on schools across the country and found that 1 in 5 schools tested had radon levels that exceeded the EPA action level of 4.0pCi/L. Radon is a naturally occurring soil gas that comes from the breakdown of uranium which can be found in soils across the country. Radon gas can enter a school through multiple different pathways in the foundation. After entry into the structure, radon cannot naturally dissipate, so it has the potential to build into higher concentrations.
As radon decays, it produces radioactive particles (radon daughters) that can easily be inhaled and release small bits of radiation into your lungs. Over time, this can damage the lining of the lungs and cause lung cancer. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, and alarmingly, children are more susceptible to its effects because of their increased respiratory rates. Not everyone who is exposed to radon gas will develop lung cancer as the risks of developing cancer from radon are dependent on the amount of radon you are exposed to and the longevity of exposure. However, it is important to consider that if a school has high concentrations of radon, the occupants inside will typically spend at least 8 hours a day breathing that in during the school week. Radon testing in schools is an affordable and life saving process that should be performed every two years.

Are Schools Tested For Radon?
It is not mandatory that schools be tested for radon gas. However, as more and more people start to realize the dangers of radon exposure it is starting to become more common. Parents are starting to demand that their children’s schools be tested for radon and for good reason.
According to the EPA, 20% of the schools nationwide have done some sort of radon testing. Some US states including Connecticut, Colorado, Florida and Virginia require all public schools to test for radon.
Performing radon testing in your school will not only detect any possible issues, but also ease the minds of students and parents alike. Give Lifetime Environmental Solutions a call today to take the first step to a radon free learning environment. You won’t regret it.
Disclosure of Test Results
There is no law that requires that radon testing data be released to the public, so once a test has been performed you may decide who receives the results. Lifetime Environmental Solutions will keep all radon testing data private and will only send the data to the recipients of your choosing. We do recommend keeping your students and staff informed of radon test results after the process is completed, but it is your right to keep that information confidential until mitigation is performed. If you have questions regarding testing in your school, give us a call!
If Your School Tests High for Radon Gas
If the results of the radon tests performed at your school show levels above 4.0pCi/L (The EPA action level for radon gas) additional tests need to be performed in each room that tests above that threshold to confirm the results. If the average is indeed above 4.0pCi/L, a radon mitigation system will need to be installed to lower the radon levels inside of the school to a safe range. Lifetime Environmental Solutions will aid you though the testing process and explain the test results in detail to help you make an informed decision.
How Radon Testing in Schools is Performed
There are a few different options for the type of radon test that can be performed in a school setting. These options include (but are not limited to)
Charcoal radon testing: Can be used to test multiple areas of the building while keeping the cost low. Charcoal tests take a little bit longer to get a test report because they need to be shipped to the lab after use, but are generally the first option for most initial testing situations.
Digital radon testing: The fastest and most accurate way to test for radon in any type of building. Our digital testing monitors are calibrated yearly for accuracy and can produce test results in as little as 48 hours. Lifetime Radon has access to over 40 digital testing monitors, so we can tailor to your needs no matter what the size of your building is.
Long term canister testing: Long term canister tests can sample the radon in a school for up to a full year to get a more robust average. This radon testing option is typically performed after a short term test showed borderline results.

Learn More About Radon

Why Choose Lifetime Environmental For Radon Testing?
We help commercial property owners accurately assess radon levels in their buildings and offices. What sets us apart from other testing providers is:
25+ Years of experience in commercial radon testing
Quick & professional in providing testing services
Competitive pricing & transparency in our services
We understand commercial owners' legal responsibilities
Certified and fully licensed by government authorities
We provide the most trusted warranties in the industry
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Trust a certified and licensed radon mitigation expert to keep your commercial property safe. Our specialists ensure clean air, protect occupants, and reduce liability risks. Contact us for professional radon testing and mitigation to get a free quote for your business.