Commercial Radon Mitigation
Radon mitigation is the process of removing radon from a structure by achieving depressurization underneath the slab. This is done by utilizing a multitude of different methods., The main methods used for radon mitigation in buildings are drain-tile depressurization and active soil depressurization (also known as sub-slab depressurization or SSD).
In order for us to build the proper radon mitigation system for a commercial structure, the building must first be tested for radon by a professional. This is so we can ascertain what type of fans, piping, and depressurization method should be used to alleviate the type of radon levels present. The soil type under the structure and whether or not the building has a drain-tile system must also be determined so we can build the perfect system for your property.

Commercial Radon Mitigation System
Radon gas is not just an issue for just residential homes. Commercial buildings such as schools, offices, factories, hospitals, apartments, and other occupiable structures can be at risk for dangerous levels of radon. It’s vital to test these properties with the proper equipment to determine if there’s an issue. If elevated levels are detected, a radon mitigation system is strongly recommended and sometimes required.
The presence of radon gas in commercial structures such as schools, factories, multi-family buildings, hospitals, and office buildings poses a considerable risk. Fortunately, radon gas can be eliminated from any structure, regardless of its size or complexity, through commercial radon mitigation systems. These mitigation systems to keep the radon gas away permanently.
Commercial radon mitigation systems are built very similar to residential systems and use similar processes. The complexity of commercial radon mitigation compared to residential mitigation comes from the design of the system and the diagnostics required. Our commercial radon team at Lifetime Radon has performed mitigation work for businesses, schools, apartments, warehouses, and hospitals all over the country and we can work with you to find the best possible solution for your specific property. We also perform vapor intrusion removal for commercial properties that have elevated levels of VOC’s, methane, and other toxic soil gases.
Methods For Radon Mitigation
Radon mitigation is a must for any commercial building, and there are a few different ways to go about it. Each method helps ultimately reduce the radon levels inside the building, taking into account the property’s configuration, age, and other key variables.
Sub-slab depressurization: A large collection point must be dug out from underneath the structure. This is done by coring a hole into the slab and manually removing the soil underneath until we have a good suction pit to work with. The size of the suction pit under the slab is dependent on the footprint of the structure. Larger buildings typically require multiple suction points to achieve maximum depressurization. Once the suction points are in place, we attach the proper piping and run it to the exterior. On the exterior, the commercial radon fan is attached and the vent stack runs above the roofline in accordance with EPA regulations.
Drain-tile depressurization: Drain-tile depressurization is simply a different way to achieve sub-slab depressurization with the only difference being the collection point. If the structure has a drain-tile system underneath the slab, we can attach our radon mitigation piping to that system to achieve negative pressure throughout the entirety of its footprint. Drain-tile depressurization is the most effective method of mitigation because of how freely the system can move air from underneath the building to draw the radon gas out.

Why Choose Lifetime Environmental For Radon Mitigation?
Our team combines years of experience, specialized knowledge, and a commitment to excellence to deliver professional Radon Mitigation Systems and dependable results, ensuring the safety of your building’s occupants and peace of mind.
25+ Years of experience in commercial radon mitigation
Quick & professional in providing mitigation systems
Competitive pricing & transparency in our services
We understand commercial owners' legal responsibilities
Certified & insured commercial mitigation system installers
We provide the most trusted warranties in the industry
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For A Safe & Healthy Environment
Trust a certified and licensed radon mitigation expert to keep your commercial property safe. Our specialists ensure clean air, protect occupants, and reduce liability risks. Contact us for professional radon testing and mitigation to get a free quote for your business.